Garden for the lazy, how to ensure that we have to work in the garden as little as possible

Garden for the lazy, how to ensure that we have to work in the garden as little as possible

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In the gardens, we are lucky to be able to adapt this piece of nature to our ideas and needs. Some people want a maintenance-intensive arboretum from the garden, others insist on a rich harvest of vegetables and fruits, and there are also people who just want to laze in the garden, especially. Or do sports rather than lounging with garden tools and equipment. Not everyone has a relationship with soil and plant growing. But we also have good news for these people, it works.

Reach a gardening company, even if it's not cheap at all? If you have enough money for that, why not, however, garden work can be minimized in other ways. One of the partial steps is to maximize paved areas, but certainly not by gravel or pebbles, another installation of an irrigation system, a reasonable approach to the selection of plants and lawns, consistent mulching where possible and minimizing flower beds. Remember, however, that not only do the views of the greenery and beautiful flowers heal, the work in the garden also has a therapeutic effect on the body and mind, especially for people with sedentary jobs. And it doesn't matter if you're at the wheel or at the computer.

There is definitely no gardening for lazy people (Source: Shutterstock)

Gardening and manual work have a significant effect on human health, have a beneficial effect on the psyche and burn calories. However, becoming a slave to one's own garden, all the more so because we live in a time when many people do not have enough jobs or spend a lot of time with one, probably few people want that. In addition, there may be an injury, a physical limitation. And the problem is in the world. In any case, no garden can ever be completely out of work! It is a changing place, exposed to natural influences and requiring our care.

Professionally established and maintained garden costs something (Source: Shutterstock)

The gardener does not work for bread and water, has a family and pays a mortgage and lease

Answer number 1 is more from the area of ​​PR articles, not editorial ones. It reads: Hire a gardening company. But it needs an excess of funds. Today, garden gardeners are already quite common in new buildings, that every Czech is a gardener, it is no longer true, but regular maintenance of a garden by a gardening company is not a cheap affair. In fairy tales, it is full of poor gardeners around the castles, but today, when you contact a gardener and have an approximate calculation made, many are frightened. This is really not an inferior and poorly paid job. And why should they do it for free, just for themselves. Home.

Watering is one of the most challenging matters (Source: Shutterstock)

Watering is problem number 1, which binds us to the garden as if it were a ball at the foot

You may not have a garden that is so big and labor-intensive, but you want to go on vacation and you will not take the garden with you. And not even houseplants. Then we need to look for someone to replace us for a short time. Mowing the lawn will wait, the pool can be covered, some fruits just rot, but the main problem is watering. Therefore, it is important to consider whether to simplify the work in the garden just about her.

Many types of automatic systems are offered, and drip irrigation (micro-irrigation) seems to be ideal. But it needs a guaranteed source of water that will not run out and good planning. Photovoltaic island systems are also sold, which do not require an electrical connection, they only require a connection to a water source.

Zahrada pro líné, jak zajistit, abychom museli v zahradě pracovat co nejméně

As for water, it may seem that the connection to the water supply system is a guaranteed way, but… Ice water does not benefit the plants at all and, moreover, the best water for watering has always been, is and will be rainwater. Collecting water from roofs and sending it through gutters to a sufficiently large sump, from which we will then draw water for watering, is simply the ideal condition.

Various barrels and kegs are also solved, but there is a problem that they just have to rain. And if you connect automatic irrigation to a barrel that soon runs out of water, you have a problem. As for the sumps, they are usually built into the ground, but the above-ground ones take precedence in the form of the ideal temperature of the irrigation water. However, it is up to everyone to solve this problem.

Drip irrigation facilitates a lot of work (Source: Shutterstock)

Mulch wherever you can

Water evaporation is then associated with irrigation. It's just good to mulch where you can. Not only do you reduce the need for watering, but you also minimize the need for skin. And this is the most common problem of gardens number 2. Endless and tiring skin and hoeing poison anyone. At the same time, a sufficiently thick layer of mulch (even cheap wood chips intended for heating, which costs about 400 crowns per cubic meter) really suppresses many weeds. And those who break through the mulch are then easily disposed of. And with much less effort.

Aggregate mulch is not highly recommended, as it is quite difficult to clean and will still be needed, most of all in the autumn when the leaves fall from deciduous deciduous trees. While we can easily leave the leaves to rot on the wood mulch, and next year we will add a little of the wood chips again, which will make the leaves disappear and the aesthetic effect is achieved. In addition to the cheapest wood chips, you can also buy various colored materials and / or bark or wood chips with an interesting natural color. But it will cost much more.

Mulch will also relieve us of many worries (Source: Shutterstock)

The maximum effect is then achieved when we first cover the mulched areas with textiles. For future planting in textiles, we can easily cut out planting crosses. The material will prevent the growth of mulch weeds and the time for which this condition will last will be much longer than if the mulch only includes the woven areas. And be sure not to mulch the untidy surfaces. The difference is then noticeable. In addition, the fabric can cover the untangled area, which eliminates further unnecessary work. Plants under the fabric and the mulch piled on it die.

The fabric under the mulch prevents the growth of weeds as well as the growth of germinating weeds sown in the opposite direction (Source: Shutterstock) Aggregate mulching has high maintenance requirements, this is how the surface will look perfect for just a moment (Source: Shutterstock)

The choice of plants is also crucial

If you want to minimize skin, in addition to mulching, the solution is to plant invasive species that will push weeds out of specific areas. And if we choose a higher investment at the beginning and plant the invasive more densely, we will achieve the effect very quickly. All you need to do is advise on gardening, what species and their combinations will be ideal. And beware, invasive plants should not get from your garden to the landscape, it is even quite severely punished.

Lilies of the valley push out any weeds (Source: Shutterstock)

We will also reduce labor in the garden by planting evergreen ornamental shrubs and trees. And if you choose conifers, plant acid-loving plants around them. They will appreciate the decomposing needles and you will not have to fight it in vain. At the same time, it is good to choose species that require minimal care and are maximally adaptable to our climate. Continuous brushcutting, hibernation, etc. also add work. In addition, the choice of plants must be adapted to the location and soil. The choice of plants for alkaline soils in the warm south of Moravia and more acidic soils on the edge of the forest somewhere in the foothills will certainly differ.

If you do not know how to choose plants, walk around, explore the neighbors' gardens with your views, lie down with them, get advice. And of course he will give you good advice in gardening. But ask the gardener, not the salesman.

Even a hedge is better maintenance-free (Source: Shutterstock)

Eternal problem with lawns

Modern lawn is actually a paradox. Apart from composting for no other purpose, rabbits and other domestic vermin are no longer kept by many people. And we actually grow something in the form of a lawn that we still have to mow without any other major benefit. It is therefore worth considering whether in the larger part of the garden not to prefer meadow vegetation and dried hay should be sold later.

Meadow areas are mowed over longer periods of time and a smaller piece of regularly cut lawn will make it easier for us to mow it, as well as scarification, aeration and fertilization, and dry watering. Meadows are not fertilized, the flowers that are part of them are not demanding on nutrients. It was not for nothing that they were once called "poor".

Meadows will reduce the need to mow the lawn and return insects, including butterflies, to our garden (Source: Shutterstock)

We will also reduce grass areas with larger paved areas. And really large tiled terraces or areas with different tips of terrace decks are a trend today. But it is also necessary to think about the water, not to unnecessarily drain it from the paved areas out of the land, but to let it soak in or collect it in a sump. It will be suitable for irrigation.

Garden care will be facilitated by larger paved areas of terraces (Source: Shutterstock) Interlocking paving (Source: Shutterstock)

Necessary engraving?

Even engraving is not absolutely necessary, the plants can be grown in a so-called permaculture, where the whole area is simply cultivated by technology, followed by dense planting and sowing. However, it is also possible to establish natural gardens, which actually have a minimization of care in their name. And there is even something like no-till. It is operated on a large scale in the world and simplifies the work of farmers and reduces the price of agricultural crops.

Wild Nature Garden (Source: Shutterstock)

What a sloth shouldn't do

If you think you will make your job easier with a lot of chemistry, you are wrong. You will infest the soil, but also groundwater, and we cannot recommend consuming any sprouts at all. Only "oilers" and "pesticides" solve their problems with chemistry. And don't do two other things, don't grow vegetables (especially thermophilic fruit) and don't set up a garden pond, caring for them (vegetables and a pond) is enormous.

Garden pond care is demanding (Source: Shutterstock) Read the next article